Eleanor Ingbretson

Eleanor Ingbretson, our 2016 Bethlehem Writers Roundtable
Short Story Award recipient, is a transplanted New Yorker
now living in the woods of New Hampshire. Relatively new to the
writing world, she has had two short stories published in Toasted
Cheese (http://www.toasted-cheese.com), an online literary journal,
and has written a story for an award-winning film in a 48-
Hour Film Slam competition (in which she also acted). Spikes can
be found on YouTube (https://youtu.be/kYDgPLpWAbo). She
blogs regularly on Thursday Night Writes (https://thursdaynightwrites.
com), with fellow members of her writing group.
Fantasy became her favorite genre after discovering Jasper
Fforde’s Thursday Next series, and she has never turned back, except
to finish her cozy mystery tentatively entitled “Poughke”. She
is working on a collection of short, short short, and flash fantasy,
to be called “A Little Light Fantasy”.
Addictions include, but are not limited to, writing, Mah Jongg,
dark chocolate, and Iceland. She is supported in all the above by
her husband, Paul, and children, Whittaker and Chloe. (Except
maybe the dark chocolate part.) And she is very proud to be included
in this year’s Bethlehem Writer’s Group anthology.